Our approach

Our DIH  is able to address requirements in micro-, nanoelectronics, photonics, biomedicine and biotechnology. Our operation model includes services for enterprise entities and individuals which includes full cycle of innovation of products and services.

Our approach follows 5 steps:

Step 1, the Hub gathers, analyses and accepts a requests to solve a customer problem

Step 2, together with the customer, the expected technical specification of a solution is prepared. Its scope of operation and preliminary cost estimate are discussed.

Step 3, on the basis of the developed specification, a preliminary technical and implementation study of the product is created, 

Step 4, if a customer is still interested in a particular product to be provided by HUB, specific research, prototype development and technical testing is undertaken in HUB’s laboratories,

Step 5, at this stage, it will be possible for HUB to produce a batch of product for distribution from a subcontractor based on an order placed by the customer.

This scheme is accompanied by additional services such as consulting on the implementation of a product innovation, obtaining appropriate certificates or external funding for the client to undertake production. All such services are adapted to individual clients – there is no basic service package.

The main technological areas of interests are smart city, bio-technology and IoT/ I.4.0 related technologies.

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