DIH philosophy

The digital revolution brings opportunities for big and small companies, but many of them still find it difficult to know in which technologies to invest and how to secure financing for their digital transformation. Within this context, Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) can help ensure that every company, small or large, high-tech or not, can take advantage of digital opportunities. SMEs are lagging behind in application of digital solutions. Only about 1 out of 5 companies across the EU are highly digitalised. Around 60% of large industries and more than 90% of SMEs lag behind in digital innovation but they count for 99% all enterprises in Europe.



DIH is one-stop shops that help companies become more competitive with regard to their business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies. One of the main priorities of Digitising European Industry Initiative is to support networking of DIH and enabling each enterprise digital transformation experiments.

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